What are you doing at the moment Pedro?

  1. A first priority is to set up a Patreon page and to plan a video presentation.
    Patreon is an awesome way to support cultural projects such as mine.
    What it does is letting artists present themselves, their visions, or projects, and if the visitor of that page feels it in their gut to give support, they can become Patreons, monthly contributors. That will allow the artist to perhaps work fewer hours or invest in a studio recording as an example. (the artist may also in return give goodies to the Patreons)
    Because I need to face the fact that it will take a lot of time to realize all ideas inside of me and I would love every bit of help I can get.
  2. I am redrawing Verono as a character based on a few suggestions I got in a Youtube video touching Good vs Bad characters
    (I will show you the end result soon)

3. I am also taking a drawing course through the site Udamy
Since another thing I need to face is that I need to get better at drawing in order to make the Verono & Co dynamic and interesting.

And of course, throughout everything I do I am feeding, napping, singing to or, have a constant eye on my baby daughter Isabella.

Take real good care of all of you and please, share what ideas or projects you might be working on? ❤️ Perhaps we can collaborate or give each other a shout-out. 😃

Love / Pedro

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