What mindfulness and harmony is (to me)

Beautiful green nature

Let’s start off by checking what an official page says about mindfullness:

“Mindfulness is a method, also used within health care, to deal with anxiety, stress, and depression.
The method helps you to focus on what is present, in this moment of now.
Further, it tells you about some methods;

– To pay attention to what is going on at this moment

– To have a curious and accepting attitude and to not judge what you experience in this present.

– To practice having an accepting and loving attitude towards yourself and others

swedish medical and health page 1177:

According to 1177 mindfulness, it is a method, to me, it is rather a choice of, if not a lifestyle so at least a way of looking at life. The difference being the way it starts off by being method and continuously and naturally grows into being part of who one is.

To be mindful is to be aware of the way everything we do, say, and even think to have a reaction not only upon ourselves but all around us. Once aware, the beautiful part is trying not to judge. Although it takes practice since we are so used to label most things as either good or bad. What Good or Bad is will always stem from our previous experiences and what we have been told or taught.
Rarely do we have all the pieces to be able to see the full picture:
– other(s) points of views
– combining thoughts with feelings and emotions
– to see future reactions

Once we can come to terms with that life do will continue around and inside us no matter if we label it as good or bad, then we can really start to create Harmony since a big piece of Harmony is acceptance.

The chase

Many of us has a constant chase.

  • The chase to be, do or look better.
  • The chase to have or know more.
  • The chase to perform or achieve better

Don’t get me wrong. These can be beautiful qualities and have been a big part of the evolution of man. But rarely if ever did the chase alone end up in a feeling of harmony.

Harmony once again being the acceptance. The acceptance of being satisfied with who/what one is, has, or does.
(Note: Satisfied does not have to equal ‘to settle’!)


To me, this is another big part of Harmony.
Getting rid of having to carry too much load around. No matter if the load reveals itself as:
– Material
– Problems
– Plans

Once again, don’t get me wrong: We live in a world of owning stuff, problems will not automatically go away and we have to plan to make ends meet.

Still, what it we would give each piece of thing we own or buy a second thought of “Do I really need this?”
What if we would sort out our problems by thinking
“Can I really solve them all at once or can I at least start with one thing at a time”
What if we would close our eyes and give ourselves a big hug of appreciation for being alive, feeling good enough instead of putting all focus on in the future.

If we did all this a little more often – I believe each time we would find harmony grow a little bit more 🙏🏼❤️

This is my side of the story, some of my thoughts about the big puzzle we call life.
What are yours?

Love / Pedro

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