Stop looking at all problems as a gigantic one and be happier
This time I will talk about a sad way that too many people look at their problem(s). I put the S inside parenthesis since that is exactly the issue, too many problems are stacked up into becoming a huge one.
Sooner or later that huge one starts feeling overwhelming and makes people freeze from taking any action, or a normal response might be “Fuck it! I’ll deal with it tomorrow”. Grabbing a beer, go shopping, over-eat or any other way to go numb might also “help” to avoid that huge snowball of problems.
And I totally get it! I fully understand becuase I’ve been there. That kind of look at life, can really make one person feel small. Especially if a thing like money is involved, and it almost always is.
So as I stated in the previous text “one step back does not exist” – it’s not about avoiding problems it’s the way we look at life is that will save/help us in the long run.
You see, life is pretty clever in itself because out of all those hundreds of small or major problems that eventually turned into one enormous one, we can actually only do one thing at a time.
I bet you that in that gigantic snowball of problems, there is almost always that one thing that is The one crucial to start with.
A problem with that huge snowball of problems is that we often get lost in how and where to start prioritizing them.
Many times we even get blind to the fact that ten problems are solved if we only put a bit more focus into that 11:th one.
I have had endless Todo-lists, and writing down what needs to be done can be good. It helps to get the bird’s overview and to sort out that mess in our heads.
BUT I suggest that when the time has come for action, focus on writing down 1 or the top 3 things you need to start off with. Long lists of Todo can give more stress instead of helping you out.
Especially if your action is going from 0 km/h. In the long run, it is safer to put focus on 1-3 things each day.
Still, one important aspect of any change in life is that the will and eagerness to change your look at life need to come from YOU!
Don’t try to change anyone else, rather be that positive vibe. Be the one who made the change and is now an inspiration to others around you.
Addition: When I was younger I was totally in love with quotes, to read and to write them. This is one of the favorites of my own (translated from Swedish):
“The best way to inspire is to live the life you admire”
This is my side of the story, some of my thoughts about the big puzzle we call life.
What are yours?
Love / Pedro
PSST! Hey you! Never forget to be your own best friend. Be kind to yourself and pat yourself on the shoulder when you succeed instead of beating yourself down for a “failure”.
Reading: “one step back does not exist” once again might also help.
Wishing you all the best❣️