Top 5 early life lessons

This post is dedicated to my top 5 early life lessons. Lessons that have withstood the test of time and proven throughout my life to be highly useful in many situations.

  1. Everything in life comes with at least one positive outcome – an experience to learn and grow from.
    – I learned this in my early 20’s and it has kept me from ever being bitter or regretful. It doesn’t mean one should neglect or ignore the negative or suppress sad feelings, rather it helps us to be reminded that we are always on the right track forward.
  2. Be the change you want to see in the world.
    – In other words: Don’t expect others do the cleaning up in front of or after you.
  3. Everyone suffers.
    – A part of Buddhist philosophy. The first time I heard about it was in a book called “Taming the tiger within”.
    Once we understand this we can take “comfort” in never being fully alone feeling sad or depressed.
    It also helps us understand that there is no magic key to happiness, we need to create it from within. Because what if we have all the money, beauty or success and we still don’t feel happy…. where then to turn to??
  4. “No matter how good of a driver you are, look at everyone else as possible idiots” / My father while growing up.
    – I love this one! To me it says, no matter what control we might think we have, there will always be other circumstances out of our control.
  5. Always use your turning lights Pedro! Even if you find yourself being alone in the middle of the night. Simply make it a habit.”
    – Also words by my father while seated in our car.
    As with many advices, there is more to it than the words themselves.
    “Simply make it a habit”, how beautiful! 🙌🏽
    To me, that is the core of living a simple life. It is also why philosophy can play such an important part in life. A topic I will touch upon more in later posts.
    Another layer to look at it is the way traffic (IOW*: life) gets smoother if we somewhat can predict each other’s behavior.

What words of wisdom have stayed by your side through the years? What do they mean to you?
Feel free to share

Bonus. – Adjust your communication depending on the audience.
In other words, how we communicate is more important than what itself.
Way too many people forget this and the message ends up getting lost in translation.
Once I was definitely one of them!
At a younger age, I took pride in my knowledge of the Swedish language. I even chose complex words just to make that point. Perhaps it had to do with my heritage and color of skin, I guess I wanted to prove myself.
But when not even my best of friends understood my complex language or what I wanted to say I started to question what the heck I was doing.

This is my side of the story, some of my thoughts about the big puzzle we call life.
What are yours?

Love / Pedro

*IOW = In Other Words

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