Giving birth to a clown or A matter of faith

Pedrokkio history

Don’t you just love when things in life seem to “happen for no reason” and then later turn out to be just The thing you needed or waited for, without even knowing?
Let me tell you – few things, if in fact any, “just happens”!
Don’t get me wrong, things do happen without us being able to see how or even comprehend why at the time, but most things Do happen for a reason!
Although the reason itself may not be revealed until many months later perhaps even years. To complicate things even more – the reason may not at all be revealed to us but to someone else perhaps even totally elsewhere.

What the heck are you taking about Pedro??! 🧐

“To trust faith!” – now that is a true challange!

In other words to put trust in things to work themselves out.
*close your eyes*
To not question that gut feeling but instead dear to listen to your inner voice.
*calmly inhale through nostrils, exhale through mouth *
Because Those roads you took in life, the roads that back then made no sense or took you to a blind alley, they do did happen for a reason.
*let go of the control and trust faith, things will be fine*

A lot to take in depending on who you are, so let me break it all down and show you by example:
I am about to become a maker of magic ✨
Now, do you understand??
Just kidding!
Instead, let me rewind and take you back in time:
All the way to that boy’s room where I was a lonely kid believed in the magic and soul of stuffed animals*
To the time when I was looking at cartoons while trying to imitate the voices thinking I could do it better.
Forward time a bit and there I am struggling to learn juggling.
To the times when I read books by the author.
Forward time further and I am writing a manifesto about how to improve society, a few years later and giving up on politics and instead find myself on the slithering roads to Machu Picchu doodling my very first story because I found a mossy ‘magic’ stick along the road.
Keep on forwarding and you will see me getting sacked in 2018, well my entire department did.
Most colleagues found a new job, me? I chose to change my money into time, time to develop my story. Time to follow my heart.
A story became a circus, games, music, a homepage – a project. A project became a mission.
And through that mission, a clown is about to be born – Pedrokkio!

Twists and turns but what do we learn?

Things do happen for a reason. Roads do lead somewhere.
It is all a matter of faith! 🙏🏼

This is my side of the story, some of my thoughts about the big puzzle we call life.
What are yours?

Love / Pedro

* To this day I have never thrown away any of my stuffed animals but rather given the majority of them away.
The only time one actually did got thrown away was when I gave my favorite big blue bear to my friend and his kids, only to be met by the news that “it was a little bit dirty so we threw it away” a month later. My heart was stung.
– Once I even rearranged them in outdoor storage so that the ones with clothing were most outer and could keep the ‘naked’ ones warm. 😅 I know they are toys but what if… it Never hurts to be kind.
– To make you look at me even weirder: once on a winter’s market, I refused to buy that packaged doll only because the one hanging as display had been in the cold long enough ( I was about 27 years old).

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