When do we become Ugly or Beautiful??

I was watching “The hunchback of Notre dame” when that question came to me. A child approached the hunchback with curiosity and kindness, the only one to look past the hostile mind control of a crowd.
Over and over again in movies and books, we can see the same thing; a child being the one to overlook the appearance with curiosity and kindness.
In the same way, we can see the opposite, children after a certain age being cruel and excluding.
When do appearance ‘become’ ugly or beautiful??
When do ugly become something negative?
when do we start judging the book by it’s cover?
I believe these are justified questions in a superficial society where anyone can choose what and how to be filtered to the world and receive instant gratification.
These are justified questions since most people are against calling or judging someone ugly but still celebrates beauty as a means to success.
And even though that scene with the child reaching out to the hunchback brings up an important issue, the movie itself does the opposite.
The ‘Ugly’ does not even stand a chance to win the heart of the ‘beautiful’, even the thought of them together stands out as both impossible and ridiculed.
So I can’t help to wonder, could something as “innocent” as a Disney movie be to blame??
Because over and over again in each and every one of their movies the beautiful is not only celebrated as the popular one, as a winner, but we as the audience are also presented that which is considered being beautiful:
Small hips, big muscles, long hair, small nose.
I know I am not the first to question what messages Disney movies and such are really telling.
I am also aware of the “It’s just a movie, stop overanalyzing!” kind of people.
But when does a few “it’s just…” start building someone’s look of life?
Well, the hunchback received the child’s love and we all know at a many times knows children know better than the rest of us. ❤️
This is my side of the story, some of my thoughts about the big puzzle we call life.
What are yours?
For the love of the ugly / Pedro
I asked a friend of mine to read this text and we exchanged some thoughts which made me want to add this:
“A young child, let’s say Tess age (my friend’s daughter of 6 months) or a bit older, would probably not refrain to any kind of appearance.
Does it then boil down to the reaction of others during her stages of growing up to create the view of what is to be considered physical beauty?
In other words; Would a child, growing up amongst ‘Quasimodos’, that at an adult age meets an Esmeralda, consider her to be beautiful only because it is in the intrinsic recognition as my friend put it? Perhaps, perhaps not…
Whereas if we talk about inner beauty; let’s say a child being mistreated and without any other social encounter. Would she inside herself question the way she was treaded if she later at an older age is met with love and tender care?”