Top 5 favorite quotes (and why)
I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.
/Bruce Lee
Way too many stress the s#I* out of themselves trying to please others. I know for a fact I was one of them.
They assume that just because they live by certain rules or see life a certain way, others should as well.
I don’t even wish for my child to live up to my expectations. You see, my view of life is due to My lives-experiences. All I can hope for is to prepare my child just a little, by telling her about the lessons I have been taught.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.
Mahatma Gandhi
As a father of a daughter, I kind of already fear the empty talk of guys.
So what I am hoping for her to believe in, is when words are put into action. But also the feeling and real intention behind the action. As well as for herself. This takes experience!
The best way to inspire, is to live the life you admire.
Same as the quote above. Less talk more living. I wrote this quote when I was in my mid 20´s.
I thought I knew it all, had it all figured out. I did the talk, wanting to share my knowledge and insights with the rest of the world without even being asked. I wasted a lot of energy but it also made me ignorant of what others had to share.
Success is measured by how you make those around you feel.
Joann Baker
So once you feel good about yourself, it is time to share it with the world.
To be the light by being yourself. That reflection back, the smile you can put on others’ faces, is what truly matters.
No matter how good of a driver you are, always think of everyone else as possible idiots.
My father
I never knew my father as a philosopher, and I bet you – neither did he. This is me putting what was meant as a simple driver’s lessons into a bigger perspective. Namely; no matter how much you think you control the situation, never believe you do.