Quick reflections #1: Lost but still found

I figured it was about time to start writing here again!
Not that there has been any requests to do so, still I have plenty to say and share no matter if anyone reads this today or in 10-50 years.
The only problem is time, as with most things in life.
What a lie!! Time, I would say, is seldom the problem, setting priority is!

Still, the thought of how much time I usually spend creating a post with its endless rewrites makes me really down-prioritize doing it.
This is why I started Quick reflections: a way for me to talk about smaller everyday topics. To sort thoughts out as well to maintain some kind of momentum on this page and to share a bit of what is going inside and around me.

My babies Chico & Isabellisima😍

The father (that never knew of covid-19)

I was “THE forever single guy”! That is not my own description, allthough I could not argue against, having a 4 month ralationsship in my yearly 20’s as a main experience of partnership.
And now take a lok at me!! When 2020 entered with all its global craziness, me and my dog Chico were still living day by day. Fastforward and today I am coming home to a house and family of 5; my woman, her daughter of 16 years and now also a beautiful baby girl called Isabella. Although we never call her anything but Bibbi (don’t ask me why, I guess I just fell for the group pressure 😅 ). With that said, Covid-19 barely existed in my life alongside plenty of other things to think of and to enlighten my life.

The man (that had to man up)

I truly don’t know if becoming a father or being in a relationship was the biggest change in my life.
Everything in my life was always about me myself and I!
With Chico came a few boundaries in terms of having to get home from that party just for him to take a walk, lettinghim do his business. But there was no one to tell me right from wrong.
Having a baby is a lot more attention and must do’s of course.
But being in a relationship, there is always this part of having someone else’s opinion and of course emotions to take in consideration.
There is constantly someone there to observe all the little things I barely even knew I did. Don’t get me wrong, I love it! Because, if she is the right one, there is also someone to love all the little things, someone to give support and who actually gives a shit about all the small things in life I never mentioned to anyone.
But damn! It has been a hell of a ride as well!

The clown (who chose to put faith in life)

My friend Omar: “Brother, Vicky asked me the other day if I had told our daughter that you were gonna perform as a clown at her birthday party. I told Vicky no, only that I mentioned to her that Pedro wants to be a clown”

Omar then looks at me with eyes saying:
“Well, DO you want to be a clown at my daughter’s birthday party?”

This was about 2 weeks ago.
Fuck! It is truly a hate-love when something in life, that I want to happen but still want to be in charge of planning for, presents itself to me. The time was not now, damn it! 😆 🎪
For many years I have put trust in life to sort itself out. So, how could I say no now when the opportunity slaps me right in my face.


Pedrokkio will go Live September 2021


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