Way to harmony: You are NOT your thoughts!
Thinking bad thoughts do not turn you into a bad person!
in the same way, believe it or not;
Good thoughts do not make you a good person!
Don’t ever let yourself be convinced or fooled that you are defined by what you think.

Way too many people put way too high value into their thoughts.
Perhaps because of stupid quotes like:
“It is the thought that counts“
No freaking way! It is not!
Stop getting away by uttering that phrase while patting yourself on the shoulder.
Is it then your actions that define you?
Although the rest of the world may judge you by your actions, it still does not make you You. Not in itself!
I believe it is all about how we feel about our actions and thoughts that create us.
Beer with me when I am stating: It is the energies that we send out to the universe that makes us who we truly are.
Since something as a good deed, as an example, is highly subjective it does not automatically make you a good person if the feelings or energies they convey are contradictory.
A better quote would be:
“It is the feeling behind the thought that counts”
* Miss A helps an old woman across the street. While at the same time thinking “I hope someone is watching! Hurry up you old lady!”
A good deed indeed but the feelings/energies are not aligned.
* Boy B is in a group of bad company, they steel. However, Boy B feels really sad and regretful inside.
Steeling is bad, something we have all been thought.
By only looking at the action we would probably be judging Boy B as a bad person. He, in turn, might be convinced of the same. But if he trusts in his feelings of regret, he can keep connected to his true self and start to work towards it.
– What is your point, Pedro??
I am trying to share my thoughts behind the road towards harmony.
Good and bad thoughts, we all have them.
– And what makes you qualified?
We live in a cyber world filled with people who all feel they have something to say, so why can’t I?
But also, from the age of about 15 I have been on the path of analyzing, twisting, and turning every thought and action inside out.
So much that at the age of 27 it almost drove me a bit insane.
(I will share what happened and what changed my life in future posts)
If there is one thing I have learned it is the importance of acceptance. Accepting ourselves for who we are, for better or for worse.
To start acknowledging our true selves for a long-lasting harmony.
I am a myself as human as any of you, on my own path of discovery.
I just choose to share it with all of you! ❤️
This is my side of the story, some of my thoughts about the big puzzle we call life.
What are yours?
Love/Pedro ❤️
Note: There are of course tools to help us sort out our thoughts.
Through meditation, vibrations, drugs, and more.
Please come back and we will dive deeper into this in future posts.