Find your balance by Falling

Too many people fear the thought of falling!

Perhaps it is the fear of getting hurt.
It could also be the fear of looking bad or foolish in the eyes of others.
Another reason is the way western society is built around judging things as either Bad or Good. It is like a constant need to describe everything as either one or the other. Nothing in between. No room for balance in the balance so to say.
I will come back to this in the topic of “stop choosing one over the other”

“So Pedro, are you talking about general balance in life, or do you refer to physical balance?”

– Both!

Because what happens when we stand there in life, trying so hard to achieve or maintain our balance?
We become stiff! Stiff in mind, stiff in the body.
That in turn makes us fall even harder. Perhaps that, in turn, makes us afraid to try again or it may take time until we have another go.

By learning How to fall (read: “fail”) instead of putting all focus into the balance itself, we experience what it is like to catch ourselves! We will learn to do so in all sorts of ways and angles, over and over again. We start getting confident and perhaps we even learn that it can be fun to fall. We start to loosen up our minds and body. We stop judging what failure really is.
When we learn to fall we get hurt less, we get up faster and we find pleasure in finding balance once again.

It is important to remember – there is no such thing as perfect balance!
Ask any gymnast or yoga guru – and they will tell you how they constantly work with the smallest of muscles to retain balance.
Ask anyone successful in business or sports and they will tell you how they constantly need to adjust.
It becomes more and more effortless thanks to learnings through falling a.k.a “failing”.
The rest of us just don’t see it and are instead amazed by that perfect balance a.k.a “success”.

One seldom excludes the other!
It is in our head, the way we been taught to see life as black or white.
If we can reprogram what is considered good vs bad, success vs failure then perhaps we will see the ways that they are part of one and the same.

Learn to fall and you shall find your balance

This is my side of the story, some of my thoughts about the big puzzle we call life.
What are yours?

Love / Pedro

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